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Apilak és más méhészeti termékek alkalmazása az alkohollal összefüggő májbetegségek kezelésekor

Author / Szerző: А.С.Василевская, М.А.Бутов, В.Ф.Гончаренко, Д.Г.Узбекова, A.S.Vasilevskaya, M.A.Butov, V.F.Goncharenko, D.G.Uzbekova
University / Institute / Egyetem: Ryazan State Medical University named after acad. Pavlov
Reference / forrásmegjelölés: Apiterápia ma. XVIII. 2015 / pp 12-14
Tudományos értekezés tipusa: Tudományos eredmény
Publ. Year / A nyilvánosságra hozatal dátuma: 2015
Keywords/Kulcsszavak: máj, intoxikáció, apilak, májvédő, alkohol, méhpempő, liver, intoxication, hepaprotective, alcohol, royal jelly
Original language / A publikáció nyelve: orosz / russian
Disease/Betegség: alkoholizmus, alcoholism, liver, májkárosodás
Human/venetary/basic: Venetary / állatkísérlet


A.S.Vasilevskaya, M.A.Butov, V.F.Goncharenko, D.G.Uzbekova

Medical University "Ryazan State Medical University named after acad. Pavlov "

máj, intoxikáció, apilak, májvédő, alkohol

Currently, celebrated worldwide increase in the incidence of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, leading etiological factor which is the abuse of alcohol-to-impregnation. Traditionally, for the treatment of liver diseases used drugs related to hepatic group, which enhance its neutralizing function, increase resistance to liver pathology-ronmental impacts. The most studied drugs with pathogen-cally grounded mode of action and are ademetionine es sentsialnye phospholipids (EFL). Of great importance in modern headlamp-makoterapii is the detection and study of hepatoprotective fur-ism of action of natural products belonging to the product Bee-origin, in particular the preparation of royal jelly - "Apilak."

Currently, celebrated worldwide increase in the incidence of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, leading etiological factor which is the abuse of alcohol-to-impregnation. Traditionally, for the treatment of liver diseases used drugs related to hepatic group, which enhance its neutralizing function, increase resistance to liver pathology-ronmental impacts. The most studied drugs with pathogen-cally grounded mode of action and are ademetionine es sentsialnye phospholipids (EFL). Of great importance in modern headlamp-makoterapii is the detection and study of hepatoprotective fur-ism of action of natural products belonging to the product Bee-origin, in particular the preparation of royal jelly - "Api-nail."

Hepatoprotective mechanism of action of royal jelly can be explained by the presence in it of free choline, which is involved in fat metabolism of the body-tion prevents fatty liver. Presence glutamic, pantothenic, unsaturated fatty acids eliminates the damaging effect on the liver of various toxins. The exact ma-jelly contains a significant amount of free sulphite gidrilnye groups and glutathione, which play an important role as endogenous antioxidants to protect cells from excessive free radical oxidation. Introduction to the royal jelly therapies for diseases of the pe-liver leads to increased levels of globulin in the blood.

Objective. 1. Evaluate the effectiveness of hepatic (Essen-tial Fort H "Aventis" Germany and Geptral®, the Abbott, Italy), and uterine-first milk (Apilak "Vifiteks", Russia) in laboratory animals at Experimental chronic alcohol intoxication. 2. Evaluate the anabolic property "apilak" in rats with chronic alco-golnoy intoxication.

Study Design. Experimental work was carried out on 36 outbred white male rats of Wistar 180-200 g Continue-tive study was 90 days. They were identified 6 groups of 6 animals: 1st - control: rats not receiving ethanol; 2nd - pas group in which alcohol intoxication caused intragastric administration of 40% ethanol at a dose of 0.015 ml / g body weight; 3rd - rats, which, together with intragastric ethanol EFL was administered at a dose of 80 mg / kg; 4th - rat, which together with ethanol intragastrically administered "Apilak" at a dose of 50 mg / kg; 5th - group in which the animals on the background of alco-golnoy intoxication ademetionine administered intramuscularly at a dose of 20 mg / kg; 6th - rats that received combined with ethanol tera-scale copy of hepatic ( "Essentiale Fort H" and "Geptral") and "Apilak" in appropriate doses.

The estimation of the dynamics of increase in body weight in the test animals throughout the experiment. Biochemical and histologic-cal indicators were evaluated on the 90th day of the experiment after slaughter Ms-mals. In blood serum transaminase activity (AST, ALT), serum total bilirubin, gamma-GTP. Morphological studies of the included studies, macroscopic and histological co-standing liver tissue.

body weight gain in animals with chronic alcohol-INTOX katsiey was less by 27% than in intact animals (p <0.05). With reference, a note that the group of rats treated with ethanol and royal jelly, weight gain was comparable with the dynamics of body mass intact animals. Low weight gain, 29% less than that of the control (p <0.05) was observed in rats with combined appointment gepatoprotek-tori and royal jelly at constant biochemical samples. Rats treated or EFL ademetionine, weight gain was 22% less than that of intact (p <0.05).

Long-term alcohol intoxication led to the development of the syndrome of qi-toliza and hyperbilirubinemia. Morphological picture of the liver characterized-acterized the signs of inflammation, fat and ballooning degeneration, necrosis. In animals administered simultaneously or ethanol and ademethionine EFL, blood was significant decrease in the activity of AST and ALT 1.5 times 1.2 times as compared to rats treated with only ethanol. Morphological picture of the liver characterized by less pronounced her lesions, the absence of necrosis. Appointment "apilak" rats with chronic alcohol intoxication Dost truly improved biochemical indices (decrease ACAT 1.4 times, 1.15 times AlAt), which confirmed the presence of liver protective properties of the drug. Morphological picture of the liver in the animals of this group harakterizova-las inflammation on separate preparations revealed signs hydroposts-cal and fat dystrophy. Using a combination of gepatoprotekto-ing and preparation of royal jelly with alcohol intoxication in rats have the highest efficiency hepatoprotective, and laboratory-nye performance they did not differ from the norm. Morphologic the Exploration of the liver in this group of animals identified only minor signs of inflammation.


1. Introduction "apilak" on the background of chronic alcohol intoksika-tion in rats showed the presence of the drug hepatoprotective properties.

2. Weight gain in rats with experimental alcohol pas pathology comparable to the addition weight of intact animals that Ob-yasnyaetsya presence of anabolic properties "apilak".

3. The maximum positive effect hepatoprotective dos tignut the combined use of hepatic ( "Geptral +" Essentiale Fort H ") and the preparation of royal jelly" apilak ".



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